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Friday, September 18, 2009

Anti-Ance & Whitening Essence 驅痘無痕精華液

★ Anti-Ance & Whitening Essence 驅痘無痕精華液 ★ (Product Code: MOT001)

Normal Price: RM59.00
Net Weight/容量: 18ml
Probation Set Price: RM15.00
Net Weight/容量: 3.5ml

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. 促進角質柔軟,避免老舊角質堆積。
. 預防粉刺、痘疤、痘痘面皰形成。
. 淡化已形成的痘疤色素沈澱,美白暗沉不勻稱膚色。
. 溫和舒緩肌膚,避免脫屑乾燥現象。
. 抑制酪胺酸脢活性。
. 無添加色素、香料等無益肌膚多餘成份。


** 警告事項 **

Helps to dry out the pimples, remove impurities, enligthens the pimple scar, soothing and calming.

No added artificial coloring, flavoring and aromatic ingredients so it's come with original smell. * For those users who prefer to use scented skin care products, please purchase the probation item before proceed to purchase big bottle.

Tranexamic acid ...2.8%W/W;Colloidal Sulfur Power(as Sulfur 2.0%) ...2.67%W/W ;Salicylic acid ...0.5%W/W, Witch Hazel Didtillate.Silanediol Salicylate(3%) Osmosoft . Phytic acid, Aloe extract.Xanthan Gum.Allantoin. Quaternium-73.Phenoxyethanol.Purified Water


Apply once daily in evening to your cleaned and dry face. Shake it well then use apply with cotton swabs with appropriate amount on pimples and make sure it's fully covered. Massage by tapping on the pimples until it's fully absorb. Avoid the pimple area which already applied with Anti-Ance & Whitening Essence when applying other skin care. (You may apply another time before go to bed. If special circumstances require to apply at the daytime then please make sure you apply sunblock after apply Anti-Ance & Whitening Essence.

1. 洗淨臉部後拭乾,以乾淨棉花棒取適量塗抹於長痘部位,稍按摩再厚敷不需塗開, (量不可太少, 太薄)。
2. 晚間回家洗臉後可先使用一次,睡前再使用一次(擦拭部位避開使用其它保養品)。
3. 擦拭部位乾後會形成調理薄膜覆蓋,不要搓揉掉,使其長效發恢作用。
4. 使用後不要常觸摸患部,避免手部細菌感染。
5. 已長膿,要先引膿清乾淨後再使用,無開口,小痘痘較無幫助。
6. 膚質合適時,作用週期約5~10日,如預期保証有效,一擦見效,或晚上擦,隔天見效,均不建議使用。

1. 使用後若有過敏不適現象,請即刻以大量清水沖洗後停止使用,並請教專業醫生。
2. 不可吞食或置於眼睛內。
3. 因個人膚質膚況、敏度與過敏源均不同,建議欲使用者,不論您是任何膚質,請先購買少量 ( 有提供試用組產品,建議先訂購試用組),收到後先於耳際或肌膚局部測試數日,待試用正 常無產生任何不適,再訂購正品為佳。

1. Make sure apply on cleaned and dry face and must totally cover the pimples and not too thin.
2. Can apply twice in the evening; apply after clean face when reach home and before going to bed (Avoid the pimple area which already apply with Anti-Ance & Whitening Essence when applying other skin care.)
3. The applied pimples might cover with a thin layer after dry, please do not rub it off to have long-term treatment.
4. Do not always touch the affected area after use to avoid bacterial infection.
5. Please repeat to use for about 5 to 10 days for serious condition and you may see the result in the next morning with small pimples.

1. If feels allergic or discomfort after use, please rinse with plenty of water immediately and consult a professional doctor.
2. Can not be swallowed or placed in the eye.
3. Due to individual skin condition, it is recommended to purchase probation item to try for few days before proceed with big bottle.

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