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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Deep Ocean Water - Cleansing Liquid 海洋深層卸妝露

★ Deep Ocean Water - Cleansing Liquid 海洋深層卸妝露 ★ (Product Code: MOS012)

Normal Price: RM59.00
Net Weight/容量: 210ml
Probation Set Price: RM8.00
Net Weight/容量: 7ml

Order Now: Order Form

.可輕易卸除臉部各類彩妝產品 (例如:飾底乳、遮瑕膏、粉餅、腮紅等)。
*產品內添加高含 45%以上保濕因子,其成份本身氣味即較濃郁,所以相較於有添加香料的產品,在使用過程中氣味可能較不討喜,沖洗後並不會殘留味道,但確可提昇肌膚安全性,與降低引起肌膚不適與過敏機率。


Maintenance of a clean flawless skin begins ~
. Can be used at wet and dry formulations
. Do not add artificial flavors, colors, alcohol, antiseptic antibacterial agent.
. Easily removable face all kinds of cosmetic products (eg: Foundation, premake-up liquid, concealer, powder, blush, etc.).
. Oil-free formula, the high penetration of dissolution of a special technology to achieve superior make up remover effect.
. Obtained from a depth of 660 meters at Taiwan Ocean in the eastern half of pure deep ocean water to clean the basement, then into more than 45% moisture factor, to enjoy the extravagant makeup experience.
. Repair elements and amino acids Potassium licorice, allantoin soothe factor, can relieve discomfort delicate skin, repair skin while enhancing the resilience of the skin.
* The color and odor of this product are slightly different as a result of not adding any artificial flavors and colors. This is normal, please feel at ease to use.
* To add products containing more than 45% of high moisture factor, and its composition in itself is relatively strong odor, so in the course of the smell may be less popular and will be left after washing the taste. But it can indeed enhance the skin safety, and reduce the chance of causing skin discomfort and allergies.

* For those users who prefer to use scented skin care products, please purchase the probation item before proceed to purchase big bottle.

All Skin Type 一般 / 油性 / 乾性 / 混合性肌膚


1. 取適量(約按壓1~2下,不需搭配卸粧棉)直接推勻全臉上妝部位(配戴隱形眼鏡者,務必先卸除隱形眼鏡,並避免滲入眼睛)。
2. 再一次取適量(亦約按壓1~2下)於全臉,以指腹輕柔按摩整臉約1~2分鐘(勿用力搓揉)。
3. 按摩後直接以大量清水沖洗乾淨即可,可再次使用本品作二次清潔,後不需再用洗面乳洗淨。

1. Takes right amount (about 1 ~ 2 pumps, without make-up cotton) and put on your palm then apply evenly to whole face of makeup (those who wear contact lenses, be sure to remove the lens in order to avoid infiltration of the eye).
2. Once again, takes 1 to 2 pumps and apply to whole face, massage whole face with fingertips and massage gently for 1 to 2 minutes.
3. Rinse with plenty of water. This product can be used for double cleanse purpose.
Or u can replace the Step 2 with our another cleanser (Seaweed Cleansing Milk or Amino acid cleansing cream to complete the cleaning task)

* This product is suitable for removable makeup on a daily basis, not suitable for Eye & Lip Contour parts, and waterproof products (such as waterproof mascara, lip gloss pearl, etc.).

1. 使用後若有過敏不適現象,請即刻以大量清水沖洗後停止使用,並請教專業醫生。
2. 不可吞食或置於眼睛內。
3. 因個人膚質膚況、敏度與過敏源均不同,建議欲使用者,不論您是任何膚質,請先購買少量 ( 有提供試用組產品,建議先訂購試用組),收到後先於耳際或肌膚局部測試數日,待試用正常無產生任何不適,再訂購正品為佳。

1. If feels allergic or discomfort after use, please rinse with plenty of water immediately and consult a professional doctor.
2. Can not be swallowed or placed in the eye.
3. Due to individual skin condition, tt is recommended to purchase probation item to try for few days before proceed with big bottle.

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